About Me:
I am Mathilda and I'm 12 1/2 years old. I live in Marolles-en-brie. It's next to Paris, but far from my school St. Pierre, in Brunoy. I've got one older brother, his name is Jean-David. He's in St. Pierre too, in High School, where as me, I'm in Junior High.
I like food! I like strawberries, and I love crisps, but I don't like fish, and I hate spinach!!
I'm into sports...I love dancing, but I hate rugby.
Shopping is my favorite hobby, and I love watching films too!
I love music. I play the piano and I love it! My favorite singer is David Guetta and my favorite band is BB Brunes.
I've got several favorite films: I love High School Musical, The Devil Wears Prada, and Pirates of the Carribean. Brad Pitt is my favorite actor, and my favorite actress is Angelina Jolie.
My favorite TV programs are Secret Story and Dr. House.
My Typical School Day:
I wake up at 6:45 am. I have breakfast at 7:20 and I go to school at 7:45 on the school bus. After, at 8:30, I start school. In the morning, I have two subjects, a break, and one or two more subjects. I have lunch at 11:30 or 12:30, in the cafeteria. In the cafeteria I can eat many foods. I can eat rice, pasta, and vegetables. Many fruits, cheese and some desserts. Whe I finish lunch, I have a long break, and then at 1:10 pm I have two other subjects. Then I have another break, and two more subjects. I finish school at 5:00 pm. After school I have some activities (dance, piano).
6 commentaires:
Hello Mathilda, my name is Evelyn im 14 years old.I live in SantaAna,South California.Its nice that you are really active person.WOW school is really far for you,Isnt there a closer school near by your house or is that the only school? So at what time do you even finish your homework if in after school you do more things?Well im lookinf=g foward on meeting you more.
Hey my name is Janet, I am 14 years old. Well like you say you finish school at 5:00 and then you have dance and piano, Do you even have time to do your homework?
Hello Mathilda, my name is Nadia I'm 14 years old. Well I think it's nice that you live by Paris. Do you have fun at school with all your friends? I Love Music too and I also like David Guetta I always dance to his Songs! :)
Hello Mathilda, my name is Daisy. WOW I read that you go to school from 8:30 and come out at 5. I think thats a long time in school but at the same time its cool because you get breaks in between your classes and you get a long period of lunch.How many classes a day do you have.
I go in school at 8:10 and come out at 3. We dont get breaks in between are classes but we just get 7 minutes to get to are other class and like 45 minutes of lunch. Each day we have 6 classes.
Hello Mathilda,my name is Heidy im 14 years old.I live in Santa Ana,Southern California.Well i think its really cool that you live close to paris.I love hearing music to it relaxes me.So do you really get out of school at 5:00?
Well i would love to hear from you soon.
Hallo Mathilda, my name is Gabby and im 15. Well your day sounds cool.so what kind of things do in your free time.Well about me I wake up at 5:45am to shower and do my make-up.Than at 7:00am I go to my cousins house so we could go walking to school.After that I start the day going to science class . After four classes we have lunch and it starts at 12:17pm and ends at 12:45pm.When lunch is over I have two classes leftand than I end my day. After school I go to hang out with my friends house and leave like around 8:00. and i watch tv and sleep when ever I want to.Thats how my day is. Well bye
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