dimanche 21 décembre 2008
Thank you for the beautiful Christmas cards!
Tsypa has arrived safe and sound from Russia (Siberia to be exact!)!!!
The students were very happy to welcome Tsypa to France, and are really looking forward to sharing French life and culture with Tsypa. Tsypa enjoyed the Christmas party with the students and parents, and she will spend Christmas and New Year's Eve with Charlène. (Tsypa is a very cute stuffed animal that sings a song in Russian when you push her belly!)
Tulips and Daffodils
Some of the students at MyVoice are participating in the Tulip and Daffodil project through iEARN, a very, very vast education and resource network. The last week of November we planted the bulbs, both in pots and in the garden, along with schools from all over the world. Throughout the year we will record their progress, along with the temperature and the weather, and in the spring we will watch the flowers grow! Below are some pictures of some of the students who planted the bulbs, along
Our garden, with our pumpkins, and a little bit of snow!
My Neighborhood
I live in Brunoy, a small town near Paris. I live five minutes from my high school, in a big house, maybe too big, because it is always being renovated. I live in a quiet residential area. In front of my house, there is a building that is very ugly and hides the landscape that I could see from my the window of my bedroom if it weren't there. In this building lives a cabinet maker's family and a lot of lodgers, among them a young man who likes old cars. In front of my home lives my best friend that I have known for 12 years. My old primary school, a bakery, a drugstore, and a pizzeria are also in my neighborhood.
If I Were the President
If I were the president of the world, I would begin by changing international relations: I would restore peace and freedom. To do this, I would forbid the use of oil and reserve it for science, and favour the use of ecological fuel because this is the first source of conflict.
I would force all nations to make an effort to reduce CO2 emissions.
Finally, I would condemn downloading music and music producers because they swindle people.
Christmas at My House
Generally, I celebrate Christmas at home with my family: my parents, my sisters, my grandmother, my aunt and uncle. We usually eat at my house. My house is decorated with a big Christmas tree and a manger. My mother puts up Christmas lights and Christmas balls. This year, I'm getting a lot of little presents like CD's, books, etc... But last year, I received only a guitar because it was very expensive.
lundi 15 décembre 2008
Christmas in France
Christmas is a moment of peace. Everyone should try and forget their disagreements with family and friends and also all the people they don't like. Just try and hope to become more generous
My Ideal Christmas by Marie
CHRISTMAS by Solange
My Traditional Christmas
A few days before Christmas, we decorate the Christmas tree with colored Christmas lights, candles, and golden stars. On Christmas Eve, the table is set near the fireplace. Our children and grandchildren come for dinner. At midnight, everyone exchanges little presents and chocolates. Children wait for Christmas morning to find many toys in their stockings.
My Memorable Christmas
Most memorable Christmas' days are those when our children were young. We celebrated Christmas with my sister and her family. The cousins were very happy to be together. Now, the family is too big and it's very difficult to be all together.
My Ideal Christmas
My ideal Christmas is a day when the weather is cold and snowing, when the fire crackles in the fireplace, and when people that we love are together with us.
My Ideal Christmas by Marie
For Christmas, I would like to go to Midnight Mass. Before I would like a light dinner. The country would be covered by the snow and there wouldn't be any noise. After the Midnight Mass, I would have a fine dinner next to a fire place. On the table, there would be candles, silverware, and Champagne. This is my Dream Christmas. But this year Christmas will be noisy with a lot of presents in an apartment and I will be staying a long time at the table.
CHRISTMAS by Solange
My Traditional Christmas
A few days before Christmas, we decorate the Christmas tree with colored Christmas lights, candles, and golden stars. On Christmas Eve, the table is set near the fireplace. Our children and grandchildren come for dinner. At midnight, everyone exchanges little presents and chocolates. Children wait for Christmas morning to find many toys in their stockings.
My Memorable Christmas
Most memorable Christmas' days are those when our children were young. We celebrated Christmas with my sister and her family. The cousins were very happy to be together. Now, the family is too big and it's very difficult to be all together.
My Ideal Christmas
My ideal Christmas is a day when the weather is cold and snowing, when the fire crackles in the fireplace, and when people that we love are together with us.
Christmas At My House by Guillaume
For Christmas, my family and I are not going anywhere. I am going to celebrate with my family and grandparents. I don't know what we are going to eat. I am going to give a DVD "Apocalypse Snow" to my father and a book to my mother. I am going to receive a new waveboard. I am going to decorate a little.
My most memorable Christmas was when I celebrated with my entire family at my cousin's house and we ate a big raclette!
jeudi 11 décembre 2008
School Life in France by Mathilde
Hello, this is in response to your questions:
I have 12 subjects at school. They are French, English, Spanish, Chinese, Art, History and Geography, Civic Education, Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Math, and Music.
I go home for lunch at 12:30 and return to school after lunch at 1:50 pm. School starts again at 2:00 pm.
See you. Good Bye,
School Life in France by Anaïs
Hello, this is Anaïs. I am going to respond to the questions from California...
At school, I have 10 minutes between classes to go from one class to another. I have a different teacher depending on the subject. I have 7 classes each day, and each class is 55 minutes. I start at 8:oo am and I finish at 5:00 pm. There is a good atmosphere in my class because we laugh a lot and have fun.
Marina asked about my animals...my dog doesn't chase my cat, in fact they play together. They are friends.
Good Bye
Bisous (means XOXO in French),
School Life in France by Jean David
In response to the questions from Santa Ana:
School begins at 8:30 am and finishes at 5 pm. My schedule changes everyday, for example: on Monday I've got math and history and sport, then I have 1.5 hours for lunch, and after lunch I've got two classes each 1.5 hours of science and physics. After school I play Tennis from 6-7pm. On Tuesday, I've got History then French, it depends on the week, or French and then History. After I've got Math and English, and after lunch. After lunch I've got Spanish, History, and 1 hour of free time. During free-time I usually stay in the students room and listen to music or play games or watch TV. After I take the bus home. I get home at 5:45. On Wednesday I have Math, History, and at 10:20-10:35 I have a little break. After I have and two hours of French. Then I have 35 minutes to have lunch and after I have Spanish, Physics, and a 1-hour break. Then I have music for two hours, which is an option that not all students take. I play the violin with my friends. I go home at 7pm. Thursday and Friday is similar to Monday and Tuesday, but my classes aren't in the same order. Thursday after school I go English class at MyVoice, and then I go to solfege for 1 hour, where I learn how to read music. Then I sleep. On Friday I've got 1.25 hours of tennis, it finishes at 10pm. On the weekend I've go 1 hour of Violin lesson next to my house, and 3 hours of golf. And that's all!!!!!!!!!
My favorite Chili Peppers song is Snow (Hey oh). My favorite AC DC song is Big Gun.
Bye for now,
Jean David
School Life in France by Mathilda
In response to the comments from California, I think that your schedule at school is much different from ours. In France, we have much more time for lunch, and for breaks between classes. In California, you have 7 minutes between classes and 45 minutes for lunch...that is not very long! Your schedule is similar to mine because, me I finish at 5, but I've got a long time for breaks and lunch. However, you finish at 3 but don't have long breaks or a long lunch.
I do have time to do my homework because at school I have study hall when I can do my homework.
Bye for now!
More About Ariel
In sport I like to play tennis, rugby, football, ping-pong, etc.
In class I have always almost the best grades because I work very hard.
I used to live in Hong Kong for two years. I liked living there because there are lots of trees, I had many friends, and we lived in a very safe place where we could play without our parents.
More About Tabatha
I like St. Maxime because there is a beach and a place with a trampoline. And because my grandparents have an appartment next to our apartment in St. Maxime.
I would to be a vet when I grow up because I love animals and I would to save them.
I don't like school because I hate History and sometimes I get bored in class. But I like school because we do art, sport, Math, and English.
Yes, I am the youngest student in my English class at MyVoice.
Bye Bye
lundi 8 décembre 2008
What do the French eat for Christmas dinner?

A bit of goose with stuffing and chestnuts.
A large selection of cheeses.
To finish the dinner, a chocolate Buche.
I like very much Champagne and during the meal I will drink a bit of red wine with the cheese. Then either Cognac or liquor, and then I think that will be enough.
By: Marie
For Christmas Eve, the table is covered with a red tablecloth with a lot of candles. At first we drink Champagne with canapés.
Next, we eat oysters and prawns.
Then we savour foie gras with onion marmalade.
After, we eat turkey with mashed potatoes and green beans, cheese and salad.
At midnight, the Yule log comes to the table.
By: Solange
dimanche 7 décembre 2008
Christmas in France

For Christmas my family will come to my house. We will decorate the house with stockings and Christmas lights. After, we will decorate the Christmas tree, and then we will do a manger. On Christmas night we will have a Christmas dinner with my parents, my sister, my grandparents, my aunt, and my cousins. For the Christmas dinner we will have a lot of food to eat and for dessert, we will have a Yule Log. At midnight all the family will open presents.
By: Ameline
My Typical Christmas:
For Christmas I don't decorate my house outside, but I do decorate my house inside. I give presents the 25th of December. I don't wear special clothes. I eat Foie Gras. I stay at home for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, I eat with my family and after me and my family open our presents. By: Florine
jeudi 4 décembre 2008

Christmas Cards
About me:
Hello, my name is Mathilde. I 'm twelve. I live in Brunoy, which is a suburb of Paris. I have one big brother, he's eighteen and one little sister, she's ten. I like animals and I prefer dogs and horses. My favorite color is blue and my favorite music is soul music. I like school and my favorite subject is French. I don't know the profession that I want to have. I have got MSN. I have a lot of friends and I have got one best friend, Audrey.
My typical school day:
In the morning, I wake up at 7:30 am. I have my breakfast and I get dressed. Then I go to school at 8:10 am; my school starts at 8:25 am. In the morning, I have four classes and then I go home. At home I eat my lunch. After, I go back to school and I have three more classes. School finishes at 5:00 pm. After school I eat my snack and I do my homework. Then I watch the TV or I read. We have dinner at 8:00 pm. After dinner I watch the TV and I go to bed at 10:00 pm.
My neighborhood / my school:
My neighborhood is calm, but can be a bit restless, especially when there is a party. My school is big. In the school there are a lot of students and a lot of professeurs. My friends and I sometimes go the bakery for lunch to buy paninis; it's great! In my school , there is a very big yard for recess; it's good! We have school in the morning and in the afternoon, but on Wednesday I only have school in the morning. In the afternoon, I can play with my friends. I like my neighborhood.
About Me:
My name is Anaïs. I am 13 years old. I live in Brunoy, near Paris. I am an only child. I have one dog and two cats; I love animals. I have a boyfriend, but I don't have a best friend. My favorite music is rock and my favorite color is black. I play the flute and the piano. I play sports: horse riding, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, and dancing. I have msn and a blog.
My Typical School Day:
I wake up at 7:30 am, get dressed, eat breakfast and to to school at 8:15 am. I get to school at 8:20, just before school starts at 8:25 am. I have four classes: History, Spanish, French, and Biology. After 3 classes we have lunch. We have 1.5 hours for lunch. After lunch, we have 3 more classes and then it's time to go home at 5 pm. When I get home I have a snack and do my homework, and then usually watch TV until we have dinner at 7:30 pm. After dinner, I finish my homework, use the computer and then I go to bed at 9:30 pm.
mercredi 3 décembre 2008
About Me:
I am Mathilda and I'm 12 1/2 years old. I live in Marolles-en-brie. It's next to Paris, but far from my school St. Pierre, in Brunoy. I've got one older brother, his name is Jean-David. He's in St. Pierre too, in High School, where as me, I'm in Junior High.
I like food! I like strawberries, and I love crisps, but I don't like fish, and I hate spinach!!
I'm into sports...I love dancing, but I hate rugby.
Shopping is my favorite hobby, and I love watching films too!
I love music. I play the piano and I love it! My favorite singer is David Guetta and my favorite band is BB Brunes.
I've got several favorite films: I love High School Musical, The Devil Wears Prada, and Pirates of the Carribean. Brad Pitt is my favorite actor, and my favorite actress is Angelina Jolie.
My favorite TV programs are Secret Story and Dr. House.
My Typical School Day:
I wake up at 6:45 am. I have breakfast at 7:20 and I go to school at 7:45 on the school bus. After, at 8:30, I start school. In the morning, I have two subjects, a break, and one or two more subjects. I have lunch at 11:30 or 12:30, in the cafeteria. In the cafeteria I can eat many foods. I can eat rice, pasta, and vegetables. Many fruits, cheese and some desserts. Whe I finish lunch, I have a long break, and then at 1:10 pm I have two other subjects. Then I have another break, and two more subjects. I finish school at 5:00 pm. After school I have some activities (dance, piano).
My name is Tabatha. I am 8 years old. I live in Brunoy, France. I have one brother. My favorite subjects in school are math and art. My favorite sport is dance. My favorite food is chocolate. My favorite animal is a cat. My favorite place is St. Maxime. I like animals. I like reading. I don't like school. I don't like fruit. When I grow up, I would like to be a vet. I think learning English is goooood!
My name is Ariel. I am 11 years old and I live in Brunoy in France. I go to school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I start school at 8:30 am and I finish school at 4:30 pm. I learn German, French, Maths, Geography and History. I do sport and catechism. I like going to my friend's house and playing the Wii. We also play football and play with his dog.
Jean David
My name is Jean David and I'm 15. I live in Marolles, a small town close to Paris, and my favorite subject is school is Math. I have played the violin for 11 years and I love to read. My favorite food is chicken and french fries. I enjoy watching films and I have seen all the James Bond. My favorite music groups are AC DC and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
If I were President:
If I were President, I would like everyone to be happy. I would create a "special" national day when all the public prices of activities would be 50% cheaper than usual. If I were President, I would have a limousine. If I were President, I wouldn't like to be on all the French television channels and newspapers. I'd like all the people in France to learn to read and write. I would make cars which make to much noise and CO2 illegal. I woule make the price of the Paris museums cheaper. I would create a train tunnel, like the Eurostar, but between the USA and France! I would create more towns in the middle of France. I'd destroy all the buildings which are not typically French. I would help people in need and wouldn't to to any wars. The houses would be less expensive. I would visit all of France's departments to know everyone! And most important: I'd be a GOOD President!
mardi 2 décembre 2008
About Me:
My name is Ameline. I'm 16 years old. I live in Yerres, near Paris, in France. I have a sister, she is 13 and her name is Typhaine. I have two dogs and five mice. My dogs names are Ono and Titou. I do synchronised swimming 7 hours a week. I have been doing this sport for 10 years.
About Paris:
I live near Paris, the capital city of France. In Paris you can see a lot of monuments and museums. For example, you can visit the Eiffel Tower, the symbol of France, or "le Louvre", a big museum where you can see "la jaconde". On the river, "le Seine", you can take a boat. It is very beautiful and romantic. There are a lot of good restaurants. I like this city because there are a lot of things that you can visit, and a lot of things to do.
If I were President:
If I were President I would decrease the work time and increase the free time. I would help the poor and abused children. I would stop the trafficing of pets. I would stop pollution and protect the Amazonian forest. I would make two Christmases to have more presents.
About me:
My name is Florine. I live in Yerres. Yerres is 20 kilometers from Paris, in France. I'm 16 years old. I have got one sister. Her name is Adelie. She is 13 years old. My favorite sport is horse riding. I love horses and I hate spiders. I have 13 little fish.
My neighborhood:
My neighbors are all nice except one of them. Some of my neighbors have dogs or cats. Sometimes the cats go to eat at our neighbor's house or they come to eat at my house. Their is a cat in my neighborhood who is very nice, but he comes to poop in my garden. This is not very good. Even if all the neighbors get along good, we do not play together. I have neighbors who are very "funny" because they take the garbage cans of other neighbors.
If I were President:
If I were President I would like to change the world. I would shrink all the criminals so they could not murder anyone. I would like people to ride horses to the shops. I would like people to fly like birds. I would steal all the books for school and make a big fire with them. I would like to have a lot of horses and a big house. I would transform people into animals. I would like rain to be sweet or chocolate. I would have robot cleaners in order not to do the housework.
lundi 1 décembre 2008
About me:
My name is Guillaume. I am 16 years old and I am in premiere S (High School). I live with my family in Brunoy. Brunoy is quiet. I like listening to music: rock and raggae. I like going out with my friends and skateboarding too. I love going out at night.
About Brunoy:
Brunoy is a town that doesn't move. The average age is 40 years old. Brunoy is a quiet town. The night is calm because their aren't gangsters. In the town people write on the walls. There are people who listen to loud music. There are not many people who invite friends or neighbors to BBQ parties.
If I were President:
If I were President....
I would build a monument of me.
I would buy an island for a week.
I would buy a plane and a big limousine.
I would buy a space shuttle.
My name is Maud. I'm 18 years old. I live in Brunoy in France. I live with my family: my mother, my father, and my brother who is 21 years old. I go to school in Athis-Mons, and I am in Terminale (the last year of High School). My favorite subjects in school are biology, sport, and child sociology. I am going to be a child educator because I think that the evolution of children is very important. My favorite activities are going to the cinema, playing sports (I swim and run), and going out with my friends. I listen to R 'n' B, dance hall, ragga, zouk, and techno. I don't play computer games; I use my computer for msn or internet. I like eating pâte, couscous, and blanquette de veau (a French dish with veal and cream).
About Me:
My name is Mathilde. I am 18. I live in Brunoy, near Paris. This year I will take a very important exam, the BAC, and I hope I pass it so I can get my high school diploma. I live iwth my parents and my two sisters. I haven't any pets, but in France a lot of people have a cat or dog. I like listening to music and dancing. I appreciate going to the cinema and to the museaum. I like seeing my friends.
About My Neighborhood:
I live in a small town, Brunoy. I have lived here for 15 years. My house is situated in a calm street. All the houses look the same, but each one is unique and each house ahs a story. By politeness, the neighbors say hello to each other, but nobody knows their neighbors.
My neighborhood is really calm: no noises, no problems...Each family lives their life.
If I Were President:
If I were President of the world...
I would stop war because it's terrible and peace is important.
I would help the needy people.
I would be fair.
I would be a person like any other.
But I would also buy a sports car and have a lot of shoes!
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