Charlène was with her mother, her mother's friend and Tsypa in the snow. They were happy.
There were cars with a lot of snow on them. It was snowing on New Year's Eve.
Charlène and Tsypa were with their cousins. It was Christmas Day. Charlène had a lot of presents.
Tsypa was on the Christmas Tree. He was comfortable.
42 commentaires:
hello there it sounds like Tyspa had a lot of fun in the snow. Im glad you enjoyed the snow.
Hey Charlene
it looks like Tsypa is had alot of fun at the Ski Resort. Hoping that you had alot of fun too. I wish it would snow here too but it doesnt. With much love your caring friend Yanet
Hey Tsypa and Charlene I really like the picture of the mountains I think they look really beautiful. Did you guys have a lot of fun ? How was the view from there to were you leave .
Hi Tsypa and Charlene it looks u had a lot of fun!!! What did you do will you were in the mountains? Was it cold?What fun things did you do? It looks like a lot of fun I remember when I first went to the mountains it was cold but it was fun.
Hello, Friends
It looks like Charlene and Tsypa had a lot of fun. Did you have a lot of fun? The picture of the mountians looks really beautiful. It reminds me of December when I was on my way to visit my uncles and the mountians were covered in snow it looked so beautiful.
Hi Tsypa and charlene this is your friend giovanna form california.... WOW!!!!
sounds like alot of fun up in the mountains did you have fun and how cold is it over in france? It really looks like ther was alot of snow there this reminds me of the first time I went to the mountains the snow was gone because it was melting. Well I hope you had lots of fun there.
Hey Charlene
hopefuly you and Tsypa had fun at Ski Resort. I can see there was a lot of snow it looks awesome. I bet it was cold since it looks like there was alot of snow.
It sounds like you and Typsa had a great time in the mountains. Did you guys have a snowball war? I have went to the mountains, too, it is really fun having a good time being with your family.
Hi Tsypa and Charlene!!!
I've never been skiing before and skiing sounds very fun. How does it feel to know how to ski and is it hard to learn. Thats so cool that it snows over there because here it doesnt. I wish that some day it will snow here. Hopefully Cristmas was fun for you guys. Thats so cool how Charlene was on top of the Cristmas tree and how he was relaxing. And how many presents did you get? Well wish you Taypa and Charlene the best.
Hello Charlene,
It sounds like you and Typsa had a lto of fun in the Ski Resort.Wish you u had the best time up there.This reminds me of, when me and my family headed up to the mountians and had a blast up there.Wish you the best for you and your famliy.
What exactly was the weather?
Hey there, well it looks like Tyspa had lots of fun in the snow. I love going up to the mauntains when its snowing, although im scared of hights. But when I go I try to forget that im up their and enjoy the snow and the great view.
Hey Charlene sounds like sounds like Tsypa and you had a lot of fun in the mountains.I wonder if you and tsypa got cold in the mountains?
Hello Charlene
It looks like you and Tsypa had alot of fun in the snow. Did you have fun in the snow? I think its nice going to the mountains with your mother. Did you and your mother play with Tsypa? The mountains look so beautiful covered with snow. :D
Hey there.. it look like you guys had a lot of fun in the snow.
First picture.
The Montains at the top are so beautiful.How were you able to get up there? Werent you scared? I would of been scared myself I would of not been able to get up there.I remember a couple of years ago my parents wanted me to get up there but I was to chicken I said no I wasn't even able to touch the seats.
Second picture
They look like a happy family. The snow looks awesome in the back.
Thrird picture
The snow in the darks looks really nice it actually looks like stars.
Charlene, Tyspa ,and your mother and her friend, you guys look really happy in the snow. You and your cousin's look like if you guys had alot of fun.Tyspa look really comfortable.
I'm wondering if it was cold because it looks cold?
Did you and your cousin get a lot of gifts?
One time I went to the snow with my family when I was in vacation
it was fun.
Hi, Tyspa and Charlene, I hope you had alot of fun at the ski resort. Do you know how to ski. It reminds me of when I went to the mountains. My family and I had a snowball fight. It also reminds me of when I went ice skating. I didn't know how to ice skate at the beginning and I fell a couple of times, it was also really cold, but I had alot of fun. Hope you guys also had alot of fun too.
Hello Charlene
I can see Tsypa was comfortable up in the Christmas Tree. How did he get up there? Did you put Tsypa up in the Christmas Tree?
Hi Charlene
You enjoyed celebrating Christmas with your family. I celebrated Christmas with my family too. How did you celebrated your Christmas with your family? I Hope you had a wonderful time with your family at the mountains. Your friend Victor. :]]
Going up to the snow with Tsypa sounds like fun Charl�ne. The picture of the mountains looks like it was vere cold with all that snow. How cold was it exactly. This whole thing reminds me when I went to a ski resort to I went sledding down hills and mountains. What did you do for fun.
hey its everyone its Diego well i liked the way how tsypa had fun in the snow and how charlene had fun also. Over here in California its like going to Big Bear where theres lots of snow. Im wondering if u guys had a snow ball fight im curious to know?
what's up tyspa, I'v have never been skiing in the mountains. It sounds fun being up in the mountains with your mom and your friends. If I get a chance to learn how to ski I will take, because I will love to have the fun you had. Is it difficult to learn how are to ski? I hope you had a good time with your friends and mom.
Hey Charlene it sounds like you had a lot of fun with Tyspa. Hope to hear from you :]]]]
Hello there friend. It looks like Tyspa has a lot of snow. How cold does it get?
Snow sounds like fun and hell at the same time. How cold has it gotten for you? I saw those cars covered with snow, I've seen similair pictures before but never had the chance to ask a question about it. Does the snow damage the car's paint at all? I mean, it should right? Hope to hear from you.
Hey, Charlene
Looks like you and Tyspa had lots of fun at the ski resort. The pictures you toke are beautiful espically the snow. There must be lots of snow there and people. What did you get for Christmas? Did you get alot of toys or money. Why did you guys go to Mountains? Was it for Christmas or just a family time vaction to be alone. Hopefully I get to visit there to someday.
Hey Charlene
Sounds like tones of fun. How deep was the snow when you woke up on new years day? Did you get to go out and play in the snow? it sounds like your christmass was a veryy jolly christmass. I like when the duck is on top of the the tree. what is that ducks name? Theat duck sitting on top of the tree reminds me of when my family and I used to do something like that but instead of a duck we put a angel. Well thank you for sharing what you did on new years eve and christmass day.
Hello french friends!!!
It looks like you had alot of fun playing in the snow because you can play snowball fights. Itlooks like Tsypa had a lot of fun too. I also went to the mountains when they were full of snow and I also had a lot of fun too. But if it snows alot in the freeway are there any really bad accidents because of the snow??
Hello friends,
Well it sound it like you had a lot of fun at the snow. I can see that a lot of people are there. Are those mountains famouse from the others? I see the cars that are caver all with snow. Does it snow relly bad there? Well hope that you guys keep on singning in and tell us more about you guys. =)
Hi it's your friend from the U.S. Your pictures of the snow look really nice and the snow looks cool, here in the U.S we do not get any snow but once in a while we get lots of rain. The mountains look really nice and the picture has a great view. The chritmas pictures were great. It's good that you got lots of presents me on there hand did not really get any presents. I enjoyed those pictures and keep putting more pictures.
Hellow French friends Well it seams that there was a lot of snow. Am wondering if this pictures of the snow were on Christmas? Well it looks fun when you guys were on the mountains it remains me when I went to the snow with my family.
Hello french friends
It looks like u guys had alot of fun in the snow.Was it cold in the snow?
Hello Friends :)
The snow look really nice.
How cold does it get there?
I wish I could go to the snow. I haven't been to the snow yet but I plan to soon. =)
Hello Tsypa and Charlene I really enjoyed reading your summary.I also liked the pictures that you put.My question is how cold was it in those mountains.Please answer back from your friend Omar.
Hello I see that you had fun with tyspa in the snow. im so glad you had a lot of fun.
Hello friends, how are you doing? I'm doing great. I will love to vist France and see the snow.
Hi it's a friend from So Cal I read your post and it looks like snow looks fun to play in here in Califonia there is no snow but sometimes rain or earthquakes and where I used to live there was snow in December. How often does it snow
Tsypa and charlane the pictures you posted up look great. I especially liked the picture of the mountains with snow.It dose'nt snow here in california the only place where it snows here is in the mountains.Well i hoped you enjoyed your trip and you had alot of fun.
Hey French Friends,
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun in the snow even though it was cold. Charlene it looks like Tsypa had a lot of fun with your cousins and I hope you liked your presents. Looks like the people in the cars were enjoying the snow fall gently to the ground. Here in the USA it does not snow but if it did snow I would have fun like you. My 16 year-old sister has went to the montains in fifth grade for a week and she told me that teachers separated them into gruops to explore the mountains. The most awesome part was awhen she told me that every night they went outside to see the night stars. What kind of games did you guys play in the snow?
Hey friends, Well this pictures look really nice. And it looks that Tyspa recived alot of presents for Chriatmas. What about you Charlene did you also recieve alot of presents. This picture of the mountains reminds me of when I went to the snow on December. Hope you had fun!
Hi, Charlene it looks like you guys enjoyed the Ski Resort . I know your day was perfect, but there was at least one bad thing about that day, what was it. That's what every picuture covers,(I really, really, really don't like pictures) so I feel very uncomfortable.
Hi there ,it looks like you and Tyspa has a great time at the snow.I wish it could snow here at Santa Ana so I could have alot of fun at the snow like you and Tyspa did.
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