Margaux and Tsypa have breakfast. They eat bread and drink orange juice. What do you have for breakfast?

Tsypa and Margaux go to school at St. Pierre. Margaux likes school. Do you like school?

After school, Margaux and Tsypa play with Margaux's dog. Do you have a dog or another animal?

Later, Margaux does her homework with Tsypa. Margaux does not like homework. And you? Do you like homework? Do you have a lot of homework at night?

Before going to sleep, Margaux reads in bed with Tsypa. Margaux likes reading. Do you read in bed?
13 commentaires:
margaux i think this is a very smart idea when everybody shres a small cudlly toy hope maybe you guys and girls can send us one =]
Marguax I think it's a great idea to have like a little plush toy and that everyone gets a chance to take tsypa home and do things together.When i was in elementary school we also had like a little pet his name was spike it was a plush dog.How long does Tsypa get to spend with eacch of you?
Hello Margaux: I think it is very funny how you guys take a toy to your house and do everything reguraly but now with a friend. I think it would be fun to play with your dog and the toy. i would love to take tsypa one day into my home. how do you take turns for taking tsypa home?
I think that its fun to share your ideas.Its reminds me of my old friends.Why did you desided to make a toy and share your own feelings?
Hey Margaux, well I think that its funny having Tsypa with you all the time and yea i do like doing my homework and alot. I also like going to school because I all of my friens. I also have 2 dogs. What about you do you only have one dog and yea I do like readind in the bed. This reminds me of my teddy bear I always use to hace him every where I went.
Thats pretty awesome of you and your 'culdly toy' spending time together. I think everyone should have a toy like yours. I had one before, but when i was small. We were bestfriends but eventually he got bit torn from under his arm, and my mom just decided to throw him away(without me knowing) =[[
well anyways thats cool =]
Hey,Margaux well i think its really cute to have a cudlly toy.In fact i have one but mine is a dog hes all white and it has a blue nose and blue ears.Well to tell you the truth i dont like doing my homework but i have to do it anyways.And i do like going to school,because sometimes i lear interesting things and i get to hang out with my friends.Hey so do you tell your cuddly toy your feelings?
Or do you just like keeping him around with you?
I think that you tsypa and margaux have alot spendin the day together and learning new things together.Is he your best friend?
It was a great idea to spend a day with Margaux. I hope you get to spend more days like these with Margaux.
Tsypa and Margaux it’s cute you spend time together. I would like to do the same thing you two are doing, but I’m 15 and it would look weird if I did that with my Happy feet (my stuff penguin) Do you think I would look wired spending time with my happy feet? I have a pet and it’s a cat named Mimi.
Hi Margaux, I think is cool.. well for breakfast mmmmm sometimes i dont have breakfast and when i do i eat a bread and drink milk. well i use to have a dog but he ran away my mom said its becuase he wanted to be on the streets alot and yea i dont have a dog no more but i do have birds, i have a pair. school, yea kinda well i like it because i see my friends and i like it becaus i want to be a better person in life. It depends some days we dont have alot of homework and when we do i try to do it. I use to read more than 2 books per day but somehow i lost interst in reading book but im getting back on track and right now im reading a book called "THE SISTERS GRIMM" its very interesting.
hi margaux that is real cool of u to do all of this with your bear. If that bear was real he would thank you for all you did for him. Hope to talk to u soon =D
Hi Margaux
At breakfast I ate Waffles.It was so good.I do like school but I hate waking up early.Yes, I do have a pet as a dog.I do have alot of homework.No,I dont red at bed.
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